Thoughts on Veganism and Professor Snape

Hi, people of the world (my sisters)

I'm still waiting for when I get famous. May be some time next week. So in the mean time, I decided to talk about veganism.

I've always LOVED eating meat since I was a kid. Ok, you know what- using the word meat sounds so weird to me right now. But I cannot tell you how huge of a fan I was.
 I positively hate eating fish. Eggs are fine. Enough of my accounts of my favourite foods. It sounds so weird, especially because they lack the spices to go with them, and it's not exactly like I can write down a recipe (I can't cook to save my life- only salads)

I was watching this Arabic show called "Khawater" although it's not like I was understanding anything- maybe like 30%. The host of that show is a pretty cool guy, he goes around places visiting people, listening to their stories and he goes to see animals too.
So for this episode he went to some game park in Africa and made friends with baby elephants and stuff.
But then.

He met up with this lady who showed him a YouTube video:

And then I cried.
It was from this organization called Mercy For Animals. They were showing how cruel people are to animals in farms. Just kicking around chickens and being cruel to baby goats. I was so shaken. I mean, I know not all farmers are like that, but it just had me thinking,"Am I really going to sit back and watch while animals are being treated so badly?"

I mean the least I could do is to not be a part of all this cruelty. If anything, that's my reason for becoming vegan. ANIMALS HAVE FEELINGS, PEOPLE!
Btw, that lasted a day. The next day I saw some yummy chicken in the pot, I was really wondering whether I could actually go through with this.
I won't go too hard on my self, because at least now I think twice about how these animals landed on my plate.

I'm a really squeamish person, more than the average person. I haven't always been this way. Chalk it up to an accident prone brother and several crazy accidents that have taken place with me in the scene. I pray to God my fam is protected from injuries. I don't want bad things to happen.

I did say that I can only make a first class salad dish, without any fancy spices and dressings, hehe. But I sometimes help my mom clean cut-chicken, lamb and fish (FISH STINKS! P. U.) I feel so bad when doing it. Like, this came from a living creature! Sometimes I get out of cleaning chicken by doing this:

"Oh, man. I'm going vegan. Poor animals! What did they ever do?"
And then my sister is like,"Pass it over, I'll do it for you."

I know people say that vegans don't get some nutrion, but they are amazing for promoting justice towards animals. Amazing like Professor Snape. Who is just the best fictional character to EVER exist. *wipes tears*
RIP Alan Rickman, you were the best snape ever.

Something that's been bothering me lately is the fact that:
Whenever I'm talking to anyone who isn't my family, or people I'm used to, my voice comes out squeaky.
Does it matter that I'm a dragon at heart? I'm so fierce, I need people to know that I'm not a squeaky mouse human. I'm bold and have opinions, but somehow it never gets past me. My sister tells me I have a sturdy stature- Amazonian even. I'll admit, I have broad shoulders, Why did I ever do all those push-ups, dangit?!

In other news, I GOT A NEW LAPTOP! You have no idea HOW monstrously happy I am. I envision a long and fruitful journey with it.
Comment with some names I can give it!

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