Umm, I had a nice day

Who cares if I had a nice day, huh? I do, lol. I'm a very negative person, and today I was happy, positive and grateful. On my way to design school, I rolled down the car window, took a deep breath of fresh air, and admired the blue sky.

Rare's the day I'm this content with life. At school, I had a GD seminar which was really cool. They were showing us the latest trends in Graphics like web design, animations, motions, etc. I think this lecture came right on time because I was feeling like a lame Graphic Designer. I just wasn't doing enough practice and to be fair to myself, I was quite busy with other things.

You know how when you first start off something new, you're really pumped up and motivated? I was pumped up to learn Lebanese Arabic so I let my GD and Modern Standard Arabic take the back seat.

I'm actually having so much fun learning Lebanese Arabic. I watch this amazing show called Ward w Chouk, which now I think means Rose and Thorn (I originally thought it meant Rose and Fork)

Here's a lame GIF which was supposed to be a nice save-the-environmental kinda thing with the trees rotating around the earth and birds flying and clouds floating. Stellar job done (not)

Well, that's it. I just came here to say I had a nice day. You know, some time before, I felt like blogging was my job or something, which led me to feel like I had to do it like a chore. but now I just use it as a journal. I get next to no views anyway. BUT:
If you are reading this, you're great and amazing. Thanks a bunch, fam. Could you comment? It would make my day. Ciao.

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