Lol my titles are getting more and more click bait-ish but
the truth is that I just wanted to come here and spend some time with my
virtual child which is in fact my blog (for you clueless turnips). Anyway back
to the topic at hand; how much pizza is too much? What type of cheese is the
best option for chicken pizza??? So many questions???
I’m heading back to uni tomorrow and I don’t know what this
semester has got in store for me. Some type of timetable got released and it
says I have class only on Mondays and Wednesdays! What a relief. Last semester
I had to go to school every day because I had five course modules sprinkled
across the week.
I asked one of my friends one of the questions that runs
through my head at least 2 million times a day. Which is… (wait for it)
And well I wasn’t expecting this answer but, ‘Life is about
studying; then working, then living alone for a bit then getting married and
yeah..’ I DON’T THINK THAT FAR AHEAD. And besides what I really meant was,
‘What is life about right now? In this particular moment in quantum space. What
do we have to do? Why do giraffes exist? Did mankind really go to the moon?’
And other such obviously perfectly normal questions and much needed answers.
Since the title of this post has ‘and other philosophies’ on
it I’ll just be right with y’all. Gotta dust off some theories that I visit so
often that the proverbial carpet is worn through. Theories like, ‘You have to
be comfortable with yourself enough that when there’s no one around you don’t
feel like there’s a lion staring at you from outside your window. You don’t
need to be around people all the time. Just simply—be fine with yourself. Yall
But at the same time though. There are people who dwell on
such matters of needing someone, anyone to be available at any one time
(and this time for once I’m not talking about myself) and this same thought
construct doesn’t cross other people’s minds at all. Either way I believe that
everyone’s journeys are precious. Because everyone is unique. Maybe you fight
yourself; maybe you don’t. Things are gonna be ok. Because you will look back
one day and see that you couldn’t help how the situation was; because now it
So of course pizza is
worth it.