Memoirs of the Half Year: A Recap of the Half Year

Hi, fellow avocado smoothies.

It’s been a while; I know. I’ve been working on TSWP (The Secret Writing Project) and many more things. My blog will always be my number one baby. (Maybe if I say this it will become true-er) *Heaves a great sigh* Life has been a kaleidoscope of ever changing situations and emotions. As I recently described it, “Life is changing faster than the fluttering of an insect’s wings in flight”—of course I had to embellish this phrase a bit for my blog HAHA. I’ve been recording my thoughts elsewhere so I didn’t have much time to think about blogging.  

Uni life

I’m not happy to say this but it’s got to be recorded somewhere. I was really really looking forward to my second semester of uni. The holidays couldn’t go any faster. When it was finally Feb, I went to school to check out my results. I was so excited. Can you blame me? For the first time in my life I had worked my butt off for school; pulling all nighters a few nights a week. The day I went though, the results were not yet out. I’d seen this info on a school whatsapp group, by the way.

I went another day that same week to see if my results were out. I did get great grades. I probably had a 5.0 GPA but one of my marks was missing so I had I think 4.6. And so school begun. My first class was ‘Introduction to Programming’. This was one of the more interesting classes I had that semester. No one really showed up for class that first day; it was only me and some other guy. This class was in a computer lab in the library; which for most part of the sem had no AC and in my abaya I mostly suffocated to death. Good times.  

Speaking of, I wore a lot of my abayas this time; as compared to last sem when I wore a lot of skirts and tops. I’m not sure I’ll ever go back to wearing skirts again LOL. I did wear jeans a couple of times; but only when I had school on Saturday. Not repeating that again. I got three new abayas for eid; I’m so ready to rock 2 of them. One is just way too fancy. There’s this one abaya I wore and my friend commented on it saying it seemed too fancy for school and I stopped wearing it again. It’s some kimono abaya that has darker horizontal silk bars on it. 

Some other classes I had were; Introduction to Sociology, Probability Theory and Statistics, System Analysis and Design, Discrete Mathematics and Technical Skills Development. Introduction to Sociology is honestly one of the dumbest classes I have ever done in my LIFE. It’s just teaching you about society, culture blah blah. I didn’t like this class and I didn’t go for a lot of the classes. Mostly because the lecturer was crass in a lot of ways and when he openly criticized Christianity, I was shocked. For some reason he thought I was actually away from the country and I didn’t bother correcting him. He gave me full attendance marks though hehe. 

Probabilty Theory and Statistics was originally timetabled for Wednesday but the lecturer changed it to Monday afternoon. He asked if it was ok and I agreed with him but boy, I shouldn’t have. Monday was packed with back to back classes and by the time it was time for Stat, I was tired as hell. And also, this class was managed poorly so we barely did any Probability theory. 

System Analysis and Design was a pretty lame class because the lecturer barely ever delivered satisfactory classes. I did great in this class, though. I studied a lot from ebooks because I had to counter the lame classes and get good grades. I actually did really good in a lot of the tests. 
Discrete Maths was a cool class; filled with maths and everything was just ok. Technical Skills Development on the other hand was just amazing. My goal is to become a web developer and this class was the foundation for my career. That’s why I enjoyed it so much. They had us learning HTML, CSS, Bootstrap but we started late so we didn’t get to learn Java and PHP. 


I had a blast with eating out this semester. I kept the pizzas to a minimum but behold the true amazing goodness in the world: CHIPS. I had a lot of chips for lunch. Especially on days I had class up to 5pm. I’ve mentioned this before on le blog, but my uni is literally in the middle of an explosion of nice restaurants. Speaking of which, one of the nicest restaurants in town just opened up a branch on top of my usual pizza place. That, my friends, is very good news. The chip place is some restaurant and take away called Bon Appetit, and bon appetit it was, mes amies! These chips were so tasty, God. They had chips packed in fresh in a disposable foil container with a bit of salad on the side and two sachets of ketchup. It was great, I tell you. I think I might have added a bit of weight from all that chips but meh.

I made some new friends this semester and they were really cool with some nice perspectives on life and its purpose. They helped me out a lot of times and there were some embarrassing moments but what can I say? You just don’t have the time to dwell on cringey things. I guess. *Silent plea for help* 

In addition to all the flowery yellow happiness, there is a general negative feeling. I feel I’ve been stupidly spending time and effort on people and things that bring me nothing in return. It’s been stupid and yesterday night I concluded that it’s not worth it. Being so invested in some people has brought me nothing but stress and discomfort. Momentary happiness is not worth it in the face of continued un-happiness. I believe this, but there’s a part of me that doesn’t listen no matter how hard I try. What is this irrational, rash and stupid part of me? I’m losing precious effort and time obeying it. But it doesn’t listen to me. 

In other deep philosophical musings, I acknowledge the fact that my religion is a concrete base and a pillar of my personality. But when I’m rebelling against religion, I’m just being a foolish idiot. I really did think I was grown and mature; but now I’m 20 and the epitome of childishness. When I was 17-18, I called my self a mature and responsible adult human being, but here I am in all my glorious two decades wondering if I’m really human?? I’m beginning to think I’m actually crazy. I’m angry and mad and annoyed at myself for being foolish. 

It’s going to be a long hard journey; but I’m willing to give it my all. There’s a difference between trying and giving your all. I’m going to do my best to become the person I want to be. I’m going to explore more topics on life and its purpose; how to live and how to exist, survive and thrive. Here’s to my new beginning. 

While we’re on the topic of new beginnings, a couple of days ago, I cut my wrist while chopping up a pineapple. It was the back of the knife that rammed into my wrist. Paranoia kicked in; I started feeling faint and dizzy and my vision started dimming so fast. My entire head felt ice-cold; I’m thinking because blood wasn’t rushing to my head. It wasn’t a bad cut; I just scraped a few layers of skin off. And with events like this my usual philosophical hat was back on and I was wondering if I fear death. I think I do. I have a lot left to be desired of me. Religion-wise and individually. 


Eid was nice this time round. My pictures came out nice, and I had a nice time at my uncle’s place with its nice gardens and general aesthetically pleasing scenery. The food was great and everything was just pleasant in all. Ramadan was great; but after Ramadan I felt a shift in the energy of the workings of my mind and body. Mostly I felt lazy to do a lot of the things that were easy for me BEFORE Ramadan. It was disconcerting, but I think I’m back to normal now. 


My sister let me use her amazing DSLR camera which here is a synonym for ‘super cool specs and stuff’ LOOOL I know nothing about photography and I switched the lens from auto to manual and I was wondering why my pictures were coming out blurry. I took a few pictures of my lil sis but mostly I like being a model while my lil sis snaps away. It’s nice having a new thing to do, checking out my nice pictures and stuff. 

In one of my last posts I talked about how I started reading self-improvement books and such. My latest read was ‘I am Malala’ and woah what a character she is! She’s literally my new hero. Such courage, daring and strength in one so young! I admire you, Malala. You’re amazing. The one thing not a lot of people know is that she was advocating for girl’s education waaaay before she was shot by the Taliban. She was internationally recognised and had won an international children’s peace prize. A lot of people think she’s a conspiracy but that doesn’t fit because she was already amazing and vocal about girls’ education. Two other girls in her van were shot but Malala was shot in the head. The two girls were also given good medical care and one even got a scholarship to Wales. It’s amazing really. If she can do so much, why not me? Why can’t I face my small world problems, beat my own mind? Work as hard as Malala, be a better person. Be the person I want to be.

What’s a new half year without some resolutions to get you through, hmm?
·         Use my time well
I want to spend my time on profitable ventures, not things that leach my time and energy with nothing in return. I want to accept and believe that the attention that I give myself is enough for me. I’m with myself. I’m pro-myself, and I’m team myself. There is no one out there that can show me the same attention I show myself, there is no one with me 24/7 except for myself.
·         Work out
Of course, this one thing had to be there. I haven’t lifted a dumbbell this whole year. I’m planning to get fitter after I finish fasting all the fasts I need to do. 
·         TSWP
The Secret Writing Project is literally my life. Or at least it should be. I want to throw myself into rewarding ventures, and things that help me improve as an individual. I want to make this my life. I want to love this and make it the reason for my existence. The things I give precedence to are just shinier in comparison to others, but shine doesn’t mean anything. And in Islam we’re all about how this dunya is a ‘zeenah’ basically shiny things that catch your fantasy. I’m so mad at myself for becoming a dunya person recently. I began loving the dunya way too much. I want to be free of the things that make me attached to this dunya. I can’t believe all that I worked for is just crumbled down in a miserable heap. How could I do this to myself, man?
·         Search high and low for the meaning of life
In addition to the Islamic view on life, this search is going to encompass a lot of views from different societies. I’m willing to be open about many things, to watch and study while being careful not to get too influenced by anything. I’m just here to collect some useful points and leave.
·         Work towards a version of myself I’m proud of
The way I am now is not something I’m overly proud of. Remember that part of me I said doesn’t listen to me? I haven’t declared war on it as yet. I’m either too scared or lazy to do that. I want to wholly be in control of myself. To not give in to things I’ve categorized as things I don’t do. I just want to live comfortably within myself. 
·         Read the Quran
I read the English version of the Quran in Ramadan and it really opened my eyes to the fact that the Quran really does have a lot of answers you’re looking for. It’s a solace for lost souls like myself. Wallahi even if I have to wrench myself away with the strength of mountains from the person I am now to the dream person I want to be I know I can do it. I want to change, I want to be a better person. 
Well that's it for the first half of 2017. Goodbye, my dear, I had a good time, truly. In this next half of the year, I want to learn to be a good version of myself (I haven't found the best version yet). I refuse to make the same mistakes I made in the first half. I'm looking forward to writing the recap of the end of the year 2017, but not too soon. The prospect is creepy actually. I just want there to be so much learning and happiness for me.

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