Hello, my avocadolings.

I just finished my 2nd year, first semester, and I’m gonna let loose all the feels. First of all, I had a bad time. I don’t even want to go back to school. I can’t even discuss this with any of my family because they’ll all say, “Ha! Who told you to go there then?” I go to a private university and it has its perks, but it seems like my dad wasn’t really hyped for me to go there.

I’ve made a bunch of mistakes this year, man. First of all, when this semester was starting, I made a list of ‘college resolutions’ and I’d decided to stop concentrating too much on schoolwork (weird, I know). The reason I came up with this is because I wanted to concentrate on myself, improving myself, and mostly my writing. (You know what? Not weird at all. I was taking time off for myself! Ha!)
I should have given school some more time though, ugh. There are some classes where the finals were so hard. GOD. Speaking of God, my belief (eemaan/ faith) is at an all-time low. I don’t even know what’s going on. I’m just praying and doing the basics, and just floating around. I don’t even want to say the rest of the stuff because I’d be so embarrassed. Or whatever. Who reads this anyway. I feel like God is bigger than I make him out to be. Or, like. He’s not out to get you, and punish you, you ingrate.
This semester I wore only abayas. Which is cool. Actually, yesterday I went out shopping with my mom, decided I hate shopping, and that I’m okay with my 10 abayas for life. I killed all my fantasies for being a fashion gyal. Aint got time. I was thinking that I want to express myself through fashion, with Adidas jackets and dope jeans, but that isn’t even me. I can’t wear jeans and tee’s. I’m too insecure. I can just hide under my abayas and be happy.
I’ve been thinking about how, lately, I’ve become decidedly more and more mute with my brash, bold level-headedness. I’ve always considered myself a bit loud, and opinionated. I don’t feel that way anymore. I just feel like a demure person. Hence the word muted. I’ve always considered myself slightly masculine-ish? A bit of a tomboy character. Or whatever. I just know that I’ve stopped being… strong. Yeah, that’s the word. Strong. I’m so weak now. Makes me think, was I even ever strong in the first place?
On the other hand, I feel like I’ve been more happier than before. Like say when I was 18-19. I was happy when I was 17, that I’m sure. 15-16, not so much. Dark times. I was questioning God. I don’t even remember being 15. Hmm, this time lapse is making me feel young.
I was listening to Amy Poehler’s book, Yes Please, and she was going on about how she chose her currency. Basically, some people’s currency is their looks, how pretty their face is, or how dope their body is, and their fashion sense. She decided her currency was going to be her personality. I’ve been struggling with how I look. My body. I feel like, if I could only make my hips less wide… make my thighs slimmer… ugh. I know my face is pretty (I’m being vain because this is MY blog) but I’m deciding to make my currency something else—not looks.
Yesterday (when I was shopping with my mom) I was in the car, and the sun was searing the left side of my face (I let it, because my eye was itching and being weird) I was thinking how I’m gonna make my life about something. I always ask myself, what is life about??? So, I was thinking how I’m gonna make my life about having fun, and making profit though writing. I was thinking about fun, and I was like, am I even a fun person anymore? Can we go back a few paragraphs when I was talking about how I’ve become less bold, or whatever? This, too. I feel like I’ve become less fun. I used to be the fun one. I don’t even know anymore. I have anxiety and I can’t be fun anymore. I feel like a disappointment. I can’t talk to strangers. I feel like I just want to stay home and read a book. Even though, you know, I like being outside and going places. I just, I don’t know.
I’ve lost myself, I don’t even know who I am anymore. I feel so lame. Even though, at the same time, I’ve improved a lot as a person, and I feel like I’ve gotten more self value and worth, I feel like I know my limits. And I know I deserve to be treated like a wholesome human being. Sighs. It’s all so complicated.
So yeah, basically, things happened this semester. I don’t know what I should have done; I did my best. I just think it’s crazy how some things are so smooth and easy for you, without even trying, and how some things have to be so God-damn hard. It’s like, everything was out of my control. And some things were out of my control in a good way. Obviously the things that were out of control in a bad way are the things that take precedence, and demand more attention.
For future reference, really bad things happened to me. I don’t know. I haven’t been strong enough. You know, in this blog I try to keep the gruesome to a minimum, but seriously, things were bad. I’m kind of okay at the time of writing this, but this semester has been HORRIBLE. I’ve been tormented. I don’t even get how I’m okay.
I don’t even know what I’m doing.

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