Advice for Uni | First hand experiences from a freshie

So I’m in uni now. Big deal. I was actually getting quite comfy with my current lifestyle: doing Graphic Design tuts and going to design school. Not forgetting the random fiction book thrown in. WHAT. A. LIFE. It was awesome, my dear coconut scrapings. But now, the tides have turned, and the sea flows away from our lush lands. In other words, I gotta go to uni. For like 4/5 days. Morning to evening. I feel so smothered. Btw I don’t get what’s with that word. ‘Smothered’ I mean. I can’t breathe when I say the word. But this kind of ‘smothered’ I feel for uni isn’t in my lungs; it’s in my head. Idk, do I feel claustrophobic?? It’s like my mind has fogged over all the days in the year I’m gonna be at school. My brain is good at that by the way, giving some kind of visual-feeling kind of thing. If I think of the month February, I get this visual of being high up. And when I think of September it’s towards the bottom. It’s an approximation kinda visual miasma thing. It works for literally anything, be it percentages or numbers or whatever. 

Advice for myself:

Keep sight of what’s important.
First things first, uni is about learning, studying and getting ya degree, fam. Hunting orcs comes second. And so does everything else. Personally, I have no intentions of having the time of my life or being a wild ting.
I get that I’m gonna be spending A LOT of time in uni so I should get used to it. When I was in high school some 100 summers ago (jk) I would come home ready to drop, bruv. I want to conserve energy so I can get things done when I get back home. Actually while typing this I feel like crashing-skidding onto my crisp cold bed. I’m so tired. Blame it on the messed up time table. I need to be just as energetic and hyped as a renewed fairy (trying at an Artemis Fowl reference #fail)
Work hard.
SO our uni has this board where they show off who got the highest GPA or whatever. I kinda want to get on there? Also, I don’t get it- no notes?! I had to ask the dean guy about how exactly I was supposed to pass the exams if I had nothing on good old paper to read (cram) about the night before the exam?? I also asked said guy about my clashing time tables: I still haven’t finished my Certificate in Multimedia from another place. He stressed that attendance was key in the uni. You had to have 80% attendance. Then he proceeded TO FREAK ME OUT THAT I COULD ONLY MISS 4 DAYS IN ONE SEMESTER??? Yeah, well he corrected himself and said I could only miss 15 days tops in 3 months. Good times.

Keep up with hobbies or you’ll fall hard.
If it’s one thing I know, it’s that any rapid changes in everyday musings or umm, hobbies? -activities? can make you lose your bearings and lean too hard on one side which happens to be the dark side. I created a whole new Instagram account in my senior year and started posting fruit bowls and stuff. All this was because I swore of ALL social media at the beginning of the year. I deprived myself so much that my brain was screaming, I guess? I should have may be weaned myself out of social media? Or maybe just stayed on there and restricted myself. I applied this principle when I restarted my workout routine some days back. I was dying to eat these delicious (positively divine) potato chips, and I had 2 options. A) Abstain from it bc umm, calories-hello? And B) Eat it cuz it’s barely the first day of workout?!
So I went ahead and ate the chips. Let’s take a look at what would have happened if I undertook scenario A:

  •          I would feel momentary pride at my restraining powers.
  •          I would get fidgety with the denial of such tasty food to my palate.
  •          Rage in Spanish
  •         Eat a whole fridge, doors and all.
What I mean to say is, if you’re dragon rider, keep riding them dragons. Don’t jump off the back of said creature just because you’ve joined the Queen’s guard and have to find pale orcs and AVENGE THORIN OAKENSHIELD OMG. I will never get over their deaths. Hold me.
Read the fiction or keep baking the scones-just don’t stop because you joined uni.

Make the right friends

If there’s one thing I’m wary of, it’s friends. After having toxic friends for two years, I know all the do’s and don’ts. I don’t get people who need others as a clutch (more like claws digging into your back) just to boost their self worth or summin’. After two years of being treated like an underdog (I know, ashaming. But exclusive jazz just for my fans) I think I’m ready to be AN ALPHA. I’m not gonna make friends. Especially with people who have some kind of superiority complex. Or as my sister says, ‘superiority cornflakes’ lmao. I’ll run 1233093930 miles if I get a single whiff of domineering people wanting to latch on me for whatever reasons. AKA self esteem boosts. I may or may not have attracted such malevolent entities.

I'm pledging in this 'me-space' that bro, do your best. Study hard and get the value of your money. Be strong and don't fall to temptations, and finally, be awesome, don't hesitate to call out injustice against you, boo. 
aka You do you, boo. 

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