Social Media | Top 5 blogs you should be following in 2016

-----This is an article I wrote for my magazine project-----
-----There's room for editing- I'm just tired rn-----

This is a list of top 5 blogs I follow and therefore you should be following and checking up on regularly too. Because I said so. They are of different categories and should be enough to meet your daily all round reading quota.

Let’s get on with the list then.
1.       Paper Fury
Cait at is basically a book blogger who talks about the books she buys and those that are sent to her by publishers in exchange for reviews. She fancies herself the world cconqueror (I’m not complaining- in fact I’m a loyal follower). She’s great, really. She’s witty and fantastically hilarious and I look forward to her posts without which I am a miserable wretch.
-paperfury. Read. Write. World domination.

2.       Beauty Munsta
This blog was started by Aspen at , queen of natural remedies for beauty. Hold up though, this isn’t your generic beauty blog, it’s a blog featuring only natural remedies that can be concocted in the comfort of your own kitchen. They feature recipes for various conditions for example how to get rid of acne by slathering strawberries on your face under the first moon on November. Nah, I’m only joking. Although they DO have a mascara recipe made of activated charcoal. Their pictures are awesome and they look really delicious and I wouldn’t mind recommending a top notch avocado mask face for dessert. Bonne appetite.

3.       Smart Blogger
John Morrow at is your one stop for blogging related advice and mostly how to get more visitors which equals more money. His story is actually a very brave one and it goes to show that life can throw you down, but you can pick yourself up and very well jump to the stars. What I mean to say is that the ground can be a trampoline… that only goes up.

4.       Design Tutsplus
This isn’t a blog, per se. It is in fact a website with FREE GRAPHIC DESIGN TUTORIALS OMG FANGIRLING BECAUSE I’M BROKE AND LOVE FREE STUFF. They’ve got many awesome contributors who give step by step written tutorials that are SO easy to understand and if you ask them anything in the comments section, they reply you real fast. Seriously, if you’re a graphic designer, just go on there. Go on there and be ENLIGHTENED.

5.       Not Your Type Blog
Areeba from is an amazing and talented plus artsy teenager whose awesome blog posts leave you wondering at what exactly the colour of happiness is (btw for me it’s yellow and orange). Basically her blog says, ‘A Pakistani Creative Lifestyle Blog’. I love reading her posts because she’s a teen just like me and she writes about life really, and she’s got really good advice from her own personal experiences.

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