College Resolutions and alladat

Hi, everyone. It’s your fave avocado here again. I hope y’all good today.
Today I’m going to be writing up some college resolutions (I don’t know why I sound like a youtuber right now.)

Anyway, I just started college again. I’m doing a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, and I’m in Year 2, Semester 1. I’ve been in college for a year now and I want to keep some rules (resolutions) for the new year in writing so I can follow them, and I’m gonna put in place some strict ramifications in case I break the laws. The guillotine is one of them. (Just kidding)

So, I’ve already been going for a week now, and everyone else is just one of those losers that doesn’t show up on the first week. I have attended a few classes, but some of the lecturers are one of those losers that doesn’t show up on the first week.

Ok, I’ll get to the list of resolutions now:

·         Study well
I wasn’t going to add this here because it’s a given, but then I felt guilty because what’s college resolutions without any academic goals? I don’t have much to say here because I’m a really good student and I get top notch marks without even trying (definitely showing off) I mean, I have every right to brag about stuff CUZ THIS IS MY BLOG AND I CAN DO WHATEVER. Ahem.

·         TSWP
I mean for The Secret Writing Project to always be my main activity in my life. (Even though it’s not really.) It’s one of the major objectives in life. I take it seriously but sometimes it’s a hustle. But I’m a hustler, baby. *winks*
I want to concentrate on my writing because it gives me this sense of accomplishment and it also gives me confidence. I want to practise writing and keep getting better and better. I want to put my writing above school because I don’t want to give school a lot of importance. I’ll be honest with you: when I mean school, I mean the social aspect of school. More on that later though.

·         Food
I’m going to cut down on those damn chips. They’re so amazing but this time I’m not going to be eating them, then coming home and hogging a plate of my ma’s yummy lunch. That’s like double calories. I have to go to the new café that opened near school, though, so…

·         Mental health
There is no time for tolerating dumb things this year. If it’s destroying my calmness, it’s gotta go, yo. I’m not giving anyone time, if they not giving ME time. I’m putting no effort for no one in this house. I’m not letting anyone make me think I’m someone I’m not. Also, I’m not responsible for what people think of me. I done my job, done my best to give a good impression and if you thinking dumb stuff, hoe bye.

·         My assignments, projects and course work is MY OWN
I’m not putting effort for my own stuff and giving it to lil miss lame-o who doesn’t even show up to class. (just an example) Harnessing the power of saying no. I actually did that last semester. I straight up said NO. It felt so amazing, honestly. So, no. No handing out my hard earned work. Ain’t got time.

·         Reading List
My reading list is going to consist of great reads like the one I’m currently reading: Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. The books I’m reading these days are so informative and are helping me to break out of really illogical mindsets that I’m only NOW realizing I have. Honestly, social media is dumb. It makes you believe the dumbest things. It makes you pick up really dumb concepts from life. I’m also reading the one book I absolutely LOVED when I was 16, which is The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens.

Summer ’17 has been an amazing experience. And no, I didn’t travel or anything. I just looked within me and realized so many amazing things about myself. I understood that I am worth everything good for the sole reason that I exist. I am a queen, and I stand for no nonsense. I can’t let myself be treated wrong, and I’ve broken out of some deeply rooted mindsets that are so harmful for me. I learned a lot about emotions, that they are just chemical reactions.

I finally accepted my body the way it is. This is how I am, and I’m grateful. I can’t complain about my fats if I’m not doing anything about it. The main thing that made me truly accept my amazing body is the fact that I’m whole; uninjured and healthy. Just imagine you had a huge cut on your face that’s puckered and raw all the time—you would be grateful to have just a plain face. Same applies to your body—imagine you had an accident or you had a disease that started destroying your body. If you’re healthy, be grateful. There are people that have it worse than us. We should be grateful.

My self-worth and confidence really took a good turn. I realized that I don’t need to do anything or own anything to be worthy. Just my existence is enough. The fact that you exist, is your answer. There is no one better than me as a whole. Maybe they’re better than me at calculating stuff or something but no one is better than another person.

Also, the fact that physical attractiveness is not everything. All it serves as is a way for guys to notice you. And girls, too—they’ll start comparing themselves to you. Don’t feel pressured to look pretty, beautiful, whatever. Don’t hate your face. This is the face God gave you, and He decided this is the best way for you to look for your life’s purpose. Seriously, be grateful that your face is whole and beautiful the way it is. Imagine you got an injury in your face that never healed and now everyone looks twice at you and it’s your defining character. Be grateful it’s not worse.

So basically, I’m pretty much ready for this new semester. I’m going to make good decisions, and be strong. I’m going to do good things, productive things, and not concentrate too much on people and alladat. Seriously, why you gotta think about people yet when you meet them everything is going to be different and you won’t act the way you practiced?

In short, I ain’t got time, and couldn’t be bothered.

Till next time,

It’s your girl asi. 

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