Life Update Ramadan 2016

Hiya, all!
Life has been one heck of a ride these past few days, what with fasting, trying to read 2 chapters (juz) of Quran a day and juggling date bliss balls (not really) and trying to beat back annoying addictions that somehow cropped up during Ramadan (more on that later)
On a more serious note, I haven’t been posting because well, I don’t know what this blog is about anymore, really. I started it out as an Arabic learning blog, but I was wondering, my information is good and written by a true learner of a language, who understands a fellow learner’s problems, challenges and not to mention their joys, too. On top of that, it’s totally 200% free. Now; what if someone steals my information, and makes a profit from it? It’s not fair to me. Of course, I do have some lifestyle posts, which are nothing but me ranting about life and some other stuff, but I don’t really know what to do anymore. But since everyone loves me and my blog, I’ll just keep writing about whatever catches my fancy.

So, I ended up restarted my Instagram and perking it up for some reason. I abandoned my Instagram for a long time because I wasn’t getting anything useful out of it- but somehow this Ramadan my brain was like, LET’S GET BACK ON INSTAGRAM- THAT WILL BE GREAT, THAT WILL. So I took a couple of nice pictures, loaded up on the tags and waited for the likes to start flooding in. This was a bad idea, because it was highly unproductive and had me checking for notifications every other second. Pus, they didn’t flood in, like I expected- they more like trickled in. Which was kind of dumb seeing as my pictures are GREAT. Sheesh, people are so jealous and don’t appreciate my awesomeness.
This was kind of stupid because I had MORE IMPORTANT things to do, like make use of the reward multiplication effect of Ramadan (good deeds are multiplied anywhere from 10-700 times) and stuff like purifying my mind yet all insta does is fuddle me up.

WTF fun facts
I don’t know HOW exactly I got addicted to these facts. But I’ve regretted them ever since. Here’s a visual, if you don’t know what they’re like; they post ridiculously amazing information which I think should be taught in high school- honestly school would be much more interesting if they taught us fun facts instead of how dead people died. No, seriously. They are SO informational and it’s exciting knowing that ‘a baby cries in accents’ or ‘you poop precious metals sometimes- yuck btw poop and precious should NOT be used in the same sentence, which is what I just did, basically- sorry!’ I kept going on Pinterest and searching for these facts; some of them are about Disney, or school, some of them are creepy, others are funny- they’re about anything, really. I kept going back and back for more, and eventually Pinterest kept giving the same ones over and over until I had them memorized. It was the same case as the Instagram fiasco- once I was ready to read Quran but ended up hogging these facts for one hour before VIOLENTLY WRENCHING MY SOUL FROM THE CLAWS OF THESE DEMONS. BEGONE, YE FOUL FIENDS! I am currently cured of this malady. Ahem.

I know this is way off topic, but seriously- the Narnian books are so incredibly delicious and honestly, if you plant a toffee in Narnia, it grows into a toffee plant. Imagine the possibilities, people! Cake Tree! Or a Chocolate pudding ice cream ensemble Tree! Ah, Narnia.
Alright, gather round children, I’ll tell you a story. Back in the days when Instagram didn’t exist, I brought home a huge book of the all the Narnian books in one. But, my father, you see, took one look at the book and had me take it right back to whence I’d procured it from. SAD STORY, RIGHT?
My brother borrowed Prince Caspian from the library the other day, and I read it (even though I set my self a rule to not read any fiction in Ramadan- an obviously extremely flexible rule) and it was awesome. I was feeling really nostalgic about my childhood. I LOVED Narnia. Turkish Delight, mm. Aaah, Edmund, why didn’t you realize that the White Witch was evil? But in the book I read, Edmund was actually the most resourceful of the lot of the kids. He knew directions, how to travel, and always had advice. Also, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the movie, wasn’t as awesome as the first two movies. AND I CAN’T BELIEVE PETER AND SUSAN DON’T GO BACK. I would write more spoilers which actually wrenched my heart, but I respect my readers who haven’t read the books and/ or are waiting for the next movies (which should come out ASAP!) I really want to re-watch the movies, like as bad as I want, well I don’t know what I want that bad. 

Letter from the Future
I found this crazy letter I wrote to myself- it isn’t dated, but it’s from sometime in 2014. (omg, that feels like one year ago. But it’s not. #HarshReality). It’s really jumbled up and talks about many things with abrupt transitions into various topics like how evil everyone really is. Here’s an exclusive excerpt:
     “Life is about success. (So much wisdom in one so young) Little successes adding up to big successes. Growing up. Working hard. Knowing yourself. Setting goals. Working towards them. Being in control.”
Then suddenly it goes off course for a bit:
     “People are not what you think them to be. They are layers. (Probably got that off Shrek) They are feelings. They are them. You’ll never know. Don’t judge people. Coins have two sides. There are two sides to a story. People don’t understand when you’re trying to about/ for them. They are their own person. (Read this last line in a whisper)Nothing is ever enough.”
Ah, memoirs of the victim in me. Of course I haven’t copied everything off the letter- in fact, it goes on for a whole page and a half. Well, that’s it oh- I forgot how I ordered a pizza take out yesterday. Taking over that people anxiety one pizza at a time. Well, that all for today, memoirians! I’ll see you (iA) in the next episode of Memoirs of Asi! Tata!

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