Life Update August 2016

I’ve been gone for SO LONG! Omg. It’s mostly because I have no idea what to write about. And yet, I really want to improve my communication skills. So I thought, blast it, I don’t care what I write about, as long as I WRITE SOMETHING. And after a week, here I am. Ahem.

So, on to the life update August 2016!

I was wondering what exactly I should write about, since I stopped writing about Arabic. I decided to write about, simply… life. Mostly theories and hypotheses about the complexness that is the human mind. It would be easy for me, since I’m a 119 year old sage. Trust me.
I’ve had so many epiphanies and emotional transcendences these past few months, but it’s a pity I didn’t record them, and post them on here.

Since last posting on here, I got absolutely HOOKED to this TV series called Person of Interest. It’s awesome. All the characters are downright kick ass. The kicker is that I was so addicted to it that I would stay up late, like way past midnight to watch it. Not that that’s a bad thing, per se. It’s basically about this group of guys (and gurls- who are equally if not more awesome af) who (stalk people and) save them from impending disaster. They get the stats from a machine that’s got immense amounts of data on literally everyone, which actually creeps me out, because I wouldn’t put it past the government. The spying and stalking, I mean. I’m a MAJOR conspiracy theorist, and that whole snapchat-being-a-way-to-add-people-to-a-database makes sense to me.

I’ll randomly add this here: I want older me to know that younger me is actually working hard right now. I’m working on some major things at the same time! I’m so proud of myself.

I’m getting ready to start posting artwork to pixabay. I’ve been working on some vector stuff and I really need to set a deadline for handing in the work.

I’ve been pretty obsessed with Ty Matton’s cool art. I’m not too sure what his pieces are called, but they’re gold. It just inspires me a whole load to get better and better at vector art. So I did this Thorin art print. I watched a bit of Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, and I swear this series is my FAVE EVARR. #Kili5eva
On the topic of GD, I kinda left lettering for a bit. Tbh I have no future in lettering. My sister advised me and after no small amount of grumbling, I decided that yeah, concentrating on other more profitable things and getting better and better at them is um, better for me. Also, at my course (Certificate in Multimedia) we started learning Corel Draw. Which is um, kinda lamer than Adobe Illustrator. Ai all the way!
So- my course in ending soon, maybe in September, and I have a project to make a magazine. There really aren’t many specifications, it just has to be a magazine. I’m gonna use it to let my creative juices run rivers that will dry up sticky. I’m currently working on articles for the mag and I’ve got to start creating other art as well.

Asi: over and out.

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