How to handle deadlines | From first hand experience

Short answer: Suck it up, Bob. Either way you have only ONE NIGHT LMAOOO.

We’ve all been there, done that—crazy deadlines that seem to creep up on you from nowhere, and before you know it, you’re juggling 3 projects, 2 tests and 1 avocado smoothie. Whether it’s academic, work-related or personal—stay tuned to find out how to beat time. (Or if you’re short on time, Bob—there’s the short answer above)

You must know by now that I almost NEVER script or timetable my blog posts. So I guess it’s safe to SCREAM THAT I’M ACTUALLY DROWNING IN WORK AND I CAN’T SWIM #SOS. I MIGHT be from another planet/ dimension because mates, I’m enjoying the thrill of having so many deadlines. Definitely normal. You could also safely guess that I’m writing a post while wading knee-deep through assignments, projects and studying for tests. Not to mention getting used to being in Uni.

Inspiration strikes at odd times, fellow mammalians, and I’m here to (tell Bob it’s aight) /get you through these deadlines.

  • Start IMMEDIATELY a project is handed out.

If you’re as lazy as I am, I swear we can laze together because you just have to be active in the starting time after you’ve been given the project/ assignment. Read through the assignment, get any doubts out of the way, plan your work—by the way it’s best you write in down on paper because you might forget something. Basically, kick start. After this we can all laze around on our lazing hammocks sipping sticky juice.

  • Bite-size pieces

If you don’t want stuff to pile up, it’s best you do a little every day. In the long run it won’t feel like you had a hard time. Trust me I only do this bitesize piece thing for 45% of the overall thing. And I think that’s enough because you may be procrastinating and yet tomorrow maybe you get MORE work and have to build an igloo out of paper and live there. 

  • When it’s too late though…

Here a deadline isn’t looming, it’s towering and you gulp and you’re like, new phone—who dis? (LMAO I’ve been saying this punch line in like every sentence)
But you get my drift, right? You have to settle down, Bob. Gather your resources, set a time and get crunching. I’M SORRY BUT WE CAN CRY TOGETHER BC I’M DROWNING AND LAUGHING AND SCREAMING ‘NEW PHONE WHO DIS’.
Let’s just say, this is NORMAL so pump yourself and work and basically GET THINGS DONE because it doesn’t get liver than that. I mean, Nike—just do it!

I’m actually juggling my magazine project, a test on the CorelDraw software, end of certificate exams and getting used to uni. So, how do YOU manage deadlines? Do you get things done before the deadline or weep hours before the deadline? PS. Do you like my blog?

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