Today's post is actually a mishmash between uni lectures and a new thesis, 'We can't all be the same.'


I had my official first lecture today, and I must say, I really did enjoy it. Call me a nerd, but I LOVED hearing about Finance and Accounting again. I'm actually doing Bachelor of Computer Science, but today's class that was about Financial Accounting really had me thinking whether I should have done something to do with Economincs which I happened to enjoy as well in my A- Levels.

After this class, I had no lecture, and I spent this free period watching Fear Factor. LOL, you do NOT want to hear WHAT they had the participants eating. Although I did feel hungry while watching it. What? It's a natural human reaction. *barfs*

So after lunch I had a lecture on 'Communication Skills' and they had us walk up and say our names and stuff; basically introducing ourselves and I started getting fidgety and cold because basically people anxiety. When it was my turn to go on I actually ended up revealing that I had a blog (!!!) BUT I refused to give the URL. Trust me, fam- It's a spectacular mistake to give away your social media or anything to school peeps because you won't be able to be yourself anymore. I bet I'd delete this blog if anyone ever found out. The pressure of being 'enough' in the eyes of people who know you is crazy. That's the thing about the internet though; no one knows you and everything's GC. They just read your stuff and move on.


What I actually mean to say is that- we can't ALL be cool and awesome. You have to accept the fact that YOU AREN'T THE COOLEST OUT THERE. THERE ARE PEOPLE COOLER THAN YOU. And that's FINE. I said this the last time, and I'll say it again, we are DIVERSE. You can't BE like those 'cool' people. Well, not exactly like them anyway. We are made to be diverse; different. The world would actually be a horrible place if everyone was alike. Cue mindless zombie humans who ALL look the SAME.

You do you, boo. You have your OWN awesome perks about being you. You have your own COOL-ness. Everyone is equal at some point, but we can't ALL be the same. I know sometimes you (I- who am I kidding) feel THE GREEN CLAWS OF JEALOUSY whenever we see someone with something we think is cool, I guess? The next time you feel that way, just know- your life is better in some aspects compared to theirs. PLUS- what you see on social media like instagram is just the HIGHLIGHT rim of people's lives. They probably have messy rooms at the back of their pictures or something more unsightly. Although people be posting their not-so-shiny BTS pics on instagram stories these days, doe.

One other thing about humans is that they can NEVER be satisfied with what they have. Imagine someone with an ENTIRE wardrobe of clothes. Like a new outfit for every day of the YEAR. They'd look at the next girl and wish they had HER clothes. Trust me, avocadolings.

I hope I didn't make you think you were wholly worthless; no, in fact you are NOT. You are cooler than the 'coolio' peeps in some ways. PS. BEING COOL IS JUST A STANDARD YOU SET FOR YOUR SELF. You actually don't NEED to consciously be cooler than other people. Unless they treat you with injustice. Then it's time to not smooth down your ruffled feathers, but to charge into BATTLE because no one insults my coconut scrapings and gets away with it!

That's all for today, loyal followers. I pree you, preeing me. You're awesome and don't forget that EVAR!

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