So if you’ve been reading this blog, on the last post I stated that I had started up TSWP (The Secret Writing Project) and I was determined to see the end of it. I pretty much said that this was going to be a journey; I had to stick with it, grow with it and see it flourish like the proud mama that I am. TSWP had to come running up to me like, ‘Ma, I made it!’

What went wrong? Why did TSWP set sail into the sunset to meet with Frodo Baggins? WHY DIDN’T MY BABY TELL ME IT WAS LEAVING ME??? Yea, lol I know it was me who didn’t take enough care I’M SORRY PLEASE COME BACK.

I wrote in a previous post about how ‘Giraffes Turned Uhh’ but I didn’t really talk about how I took a selfie with two elephants. I’m talking close range with IMMENSE beasts of African elephants. Bruh. Our guide turned off the motor of our boat adrift on The Nile (yuup) and we glided ever closer to our mammalian friends. We were real quiet because we were in awe of the amazing creatures (jk, I was terrified out of my wits that we were gonna be charged by Ellie and Elliot and get dumped in The Nile where we would be lunch for Croc and Crociette in The Crocodile Restaurant—conveniently pointed out by our boat man + guide.) 

Ahh, The Nile. With the extreme noon heat frying the jeans off my legs, and the white foam spraying from both ends of our boat, I was contemplating my very existence. The fathomless deep of this mighty river. The foamy surds that quietly announced the arrival of the great Murchison Falls. Thousands of miles worth of river squeezed between a few metres; to gush in a roaring raging torrent. Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING matches the might of the Nile. Except myself—just kidding lmao I got nothing on the Nile.

About TSWP though; it completely got thrown off my head—though I’m sure it was snatched away by a sea gull swooping down and stealing an ice-cream cone from that guy in Lilo & Stitch. I WILL RIDE ON THE BACK OF A PIGEON AND GET IT BACK EVEN IF I HAVE TO RIDE ACROSS A THOUSAND NILES AND BUNGEE JUMP INTO 2 MURCHISON FALLS (gulp) I’m not sure I’ll go that far. Besides, I’m as unfit as a pineapple. Smoothie. With a little umbrella on top because I’m awesome. And require shade from the harsh African sun.

For real though, I need to get back on track about TSWP. Here’s a list of reasons why I need this in my life
  •    I need to be grounded to reality. I don’t want to get distracted by uni
  •     I need to conquer the Nile with my writing skills
  •    That doesn’t make sense
  •   I need something that won’t leave me like everyone else 
  •     Psych, that part isn’t true—half of it at least. 

Here’s a list of statements that can motivate me for TSWP
  •  Write, you pineapple-smoothie-with-an-umbrella-on-top-for-protection-against-the-African-sun! 
  • Write 
  •  Please 
  • Nike 
  • Just do it

Can you believe its February already??? I must admit, though, that January had way too many Sundays or something. In my last post, the January aesthetic included a pale pink colour tone and vintage dainty doors and other quaint artifacts. The truth, my fellow avocado lionesses, is that that colour made me get headaches and pukey sensations. The February 2017 aesthetic, however, is harsh pinks and human hands. Trust me, you do NOT want to know how my head functions. Nah, I’m not that complex. I just saw a picture on insta that inspired the whole Feb aesthetic. 

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