The discovery of audiobooks

I’ve been collecting audiobooks with no intention of reading them. Okay, so I’m going to listen to them… just, maybe someday. Audiobooks are awesome. I love them. I tried getting into podcasts but they bore me. Finding a place to get free audiobooks was like walking onto a gold mine.

I’ve found tons of audiobooks, and that too in the category of books that I absolutely LOVE. That’s Young Adult Fantasy. Listening to YA Fantasy has its down-sides. It’s hard to figure the spellings of some of the names in the books. I like to know exactly the spellings of places and spells in a book. However, they keep me enthralled in the fantastical world, and they’re usually filled with action and adventure that I love.

Regular fiction sounds great in audiobook. That’s stuff like YA Contemporary, or mystery, or just literary fiction. I love hearing the way narrators say their words, and I prefer American to British. It doesn’t have any complicated fantasy words, although I wonder about some people’s names.

I can’t ever get to listening to more than 100 minutes worth of audiobook, and I’ve gone through quite some 100 minutes.  It has something to do with the fact that I can’t ever get back to where I stopped. It’s taxing to keep coming back and trying to figure out where I left off.

Also, I’ve been listening to audiobooks while in car rides, and while taking a walk. I’ve been walking as a form of exercise. I love walking, and listening to audiobooks makes it more fun. I’ve also been listening to audiobooks in college, and just chilling and having a good time.

I don’t usually read sci-fi, but I LOVE sci-fi in audiobooks. Sci-fi is a genre I don’t usually listen to. That’s because it has all these technical terms that I usually KNOW I’m getting wrong. Compared to fantasy, where I can imagine everything, sci-fi already exists. All the transformers, and transistors, and whatever. Okay, I realize I’m trying too hard to explain why I dislike sci-fi, but the simple truth is that it’s not my cup of tea.

Audiobooks are great for when you’re just generally chilling, or when you want to fall asleep. I usually fall asleep when listening to audiobooks, and I can set a timer to automatically turn it off so I don’t have to wake up and start the process all over again.

I’m not usually patient person, and I read faster than the pace a narrator usually sets. However, I feel that listening to audiobooks is pretty cool, and it makes me feel accomplished, like I’m doing something really productive, even though I usually can’t do any other activity that demands attention when listening.

I’m definitely going to be listening to more audiobooks in 2018. This is one of my goals for 2017.

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