How to Survive First Days

I had my first day at design school today. I know I said I would post a picture of my first work but really I just learned some basics of Adobe Illustrator. I thought it would be really awkward and everyone would be cool and stuff and I would be the odd man out. Well, it certainly was weird because everyone seemed like an entirely different species (which they weren't) but what can you say? I've been home almost 2 months and it was refreshing to be out of the continuous monotony of home. You can have a shot of how excited I was to start up---> here. It's nice to be learning new things and really just being out of your comfort zone. I mean the comfort zone part isn't all that nice but you know what I mean.

Seeing as I survived my first day with limited collateral damage (none really), I decided to help out anyone who could be going on to a new school or college or workplace. These are my tips to help you survive your first day.

1. Nobody's a monster.
Everyone is just the same as you are. Same species, same anatomy- why should you be nervous? Besides, it's also their first day. Some play it cool, others-not so much. Just be you. Whoever accepts you as you are, they are gonna benefit. 

2. Don't jump at making friends.
You don't need to make friends at the first opportunity, as if the friend bag is going to get depleted if you don't draw out yours. Chances are, you might not even stick with your first friends up till the end. And besides, some people's colours shine only after some time. And I mean their bad colours. 

3. Don't be nervous of the teachers.
You could be thinking of how you'll ask for help in class yet you don't even have friends yet. There's always teachers. I know this tip is weird but don't think of teachers as the same breed as kids. First off, they're adults. They don't care about the little details we think everyone else must be seeing in us. You don't have to be buddy-buddy with a teacher, they're just here to help you and teach you. Just ask them for help. They don't have the lame prejudices kids have against each other.

4. Use this day to show who you are.
I saw this post on Instagram some time ago and it really resonated within me. First impressions matter a whole lot. So don't allow it if anyone pushes you over, or treats you as less than. 
"You teach people how to treat you by what you allow, what you stop, and what you reinforce."
Tony Gaskins

5. Don't hype for days before.
You have every reason to be excited but don't over imagine things before you start worrying over little details and depressing yourself. My course was starting in less than 2 weeks after I settled my admission, so as you can expect there was a lot of time for getting excited and nervous, but I played it cool. I didn't let anxiety get to me. I was just like, "Oh, new school? Cool." You can get anxiety and depression just by thinking too deeply. Remember, creativity is the best use of imagination and worrying is the worst use of it.

6. Don't expect to be cool as heck.
You could be in this position right now. Getting your game/swag on. Imagining cool scenarios. Pimping up your vocab. And yet when you get to school people might actually think you're weird. You just have to be yourself. Besides, people just use everyday, basic, normal words to communicate. You don't have to be over the top. English ain't that hard to speak.

7. Let go of toxic people.
If by any chance you get involved with anyone who treats you in a way that's degrading or hurtful to you, then tell them. Get away from them in these early days else you'll be stuck with them for the rest of your time. 

8. There's always someone to help.
Picture this: you're going to school and you don't know the first thing about it. You don't know where your first class is, or where the washrooms are. There are people literally everywhere. Ask them. Chances are you won't even remember those first people you talked to.

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